Hey! Welcome to my freakin' website! I'm Jess and I can draw and paint and blink with both eyes!
For a more useful list of my accomplishments you can look at my resumé here: My resumé

Contact me here: jess@jessfink.com

And for more interesting tidbits about me you can visit my oh-so trendy Myspace account here, and my Live Journal here.


Kafka's Koffee

One of my favorite sites, swayed not by the fact that the author is also responsible for the creation and maintenance of my site, or that he is great in bed. He just happens to be an extremely talented artist, game-smith, and animator.

Found Hat Press

This totally is where all the cool kids are, like, for reals. A prestigious society elite for indie comics. Check out our work and chat it out with us.


AGS is a forum community full of some of the most talented, hilarious and totally dorky people you’ll ever meet.  Based around a program of the same name created by Chris Jones to enable people to write and create they’re own adventure games. If you don’t know what an adventure game is, I highly suggest you go and check it out, and if you ever played games like Grim Fandango, Monkey Island, or Leisure suit Larry when you were younger then it’s amazing you’ve been living without AGS for so long.


Phil is an excellent, extremely funny, and talented writer with a lot of heart. I came in contact with him through the Adventure Game Studio, and did the covers for two of his books. I hope to do more work for him in the future, maybe then I’ll get to actually meet him.


Ted is the shit. He makes comics. Nuff’ said.


DINOSAUR COMICS! What more could you possibly want from this world?!


If a piece of your brain could get out and hold a pencil this is what it would come up with, totally funny totally awesome little comics, and the paintings are sweeeet..


Pshh, man if you don’t know my man Homestar’ you don’t know nuthin. I suggest you take a lesson in Strong Bad’s e-mail and the collaborated shorts with “They Might be Giants”, plus anything and everything else on the site. It’s one of the best things on the web right now. Sucka.

Liliane, Bi-dyke

Wonderful, insightful comics for the straight, bi, gay openminded and open-hearted people of the world, by the classy Leanne Franson.


Where do people go when they want to read predictable, formulaic newspaper style comics always complete with a cheesy punch line and no sense of originality, or imagination? Certainly not to white ninja’s site, jeeeeeeesus, stay the hell away from there you psychos.

The Art of Luca Tieri

This site is full of HOT art. Seriously, I don't even want you going near it without at least a 6 foot space between you and the screen, cuz it'll burn your frickin face off.