Chester 5000 XYV
September 12th, 2008

Chester 5000 XYV


  1. Ashvati


  2. Stephanie

    I think my heart just swelled and broke.

  3. A new reader

    I just started reading this comic and I’ve fallen in love with it due to this page.

  4. KathTeaChin

    Just came across this comic through Curvy and I have fallen for it ^^

  5. ellipher

    *melt* sweet sweet robot!

  6. hae

    second time around and I still love this page. :)

  7. Kat

    Awww… poor guy. He was built for loooove.

    I also discovered this through Menage a 3. I love it. :)

  8. AkatsukiNekoJr

    D’aww I just melted at that