Chester 5000 XYV
September 30th, 2008

Chester 5000 XYV


  1. Anonymous

    I love the way her hair becomes the panel border on the bottom right. Actually, I just love the way you draw her hair in general.

  2. Amanda

    I agree!

    I love that her face of ecstasy dissapears into her flowing hair.

  3. Yes

    I love that you both love things.

  4. A new reader

    I love that you love that they love both things.

  5. Tarlonis

    The lube is so that he could rub his (ribbed) shaft on the outside of her without hurting her/more enjoyably.

  6. KathTeaChin

    I really love the artwork and angles ^^

  7. simz

    Well, I DON’T love stuff!

    I actually do.
    I just wanted to do a combo breaker.

  8. Lurker

    Another early panel I hope you don’t change… dark/textured backgrounds, beautiful fish-eye perspective, and ZOMG GLORIOUS HAIR melting into the delicious swirly border! I LIVE for the swirly borders. <3